FACTION Combat Mixed Martial Arts Gym is a training facility that brings you the best of both self-defense and fighting sports. At this Combat Gym, you can prepare yourself for real world conflicts utilizing Self-Defense, Combat Sport competitions, learn something new, or simply to get in amazing shape. The choice is yours and our instructors are here to guide you on the way to your goals!
This facility is the best of all worlds. Whether you are a die-hard competitor, a studious practitioner, or just a casual participant, this is your place. Our facility recruits high-quality coaches to run their programs, giving every member the ability to train with the best in their discipline and get unique attention to see their skills reach new heights.
Our gym has frequent top of the line classes and private training options. Come in and get your workout on in our fitness room during open hours. Take advantage of our frequent Open Mat times to hit bags, get some rolls in and have mat time with fellow members and friends.
FACTION is not your typical martial arts gym. Once you become a member of our gym, our unique membership system allows you the freedom and flexibility to pay for what you want. You can pick and choose the classes you want to attend, a la carte, or you can consume whole disciplines through unlimited classes. You can focus on one program or experience all we have to offer.
Try a class and see how FACTION can take you to the next level!
Faction Combat Mixed Martial Arts Gym Instructors

Steve DeArmond
Faction Combat Head Instructor
Steve has been a lifelong student of martial arts with more than 20 years of training and teaching thus far. After earning a Black Belt in Mixed Martial Arts, including Taekwondo, Karate, Hapkido and Kung Fu, he turned his attention to more realistic combative systems, such as Krav Maga and Kelly McCann’s Kembativz. Shortly after beginning his Krav Maga training, he discovered Martial Blade Concepts and Kembativz and sought to learn all he could about them. Steve got the opportunity to train with Michael Janich on various occasions, including numerous trips to the Martial Blade Camp in Colorado. Steve is now a fully Certified Instructor in the Martial Blade Concepts system. He also tested and obtained his Black Belt in Krav Maga in the spring of 2020. In addition to this, Steve was given the chance to train with Kelly McCann in person at the Kembativz Instructor Course in 2017 and 2018. He was honored to receive an official recognition as a Certified Instructor in Kembativz. Currently, he is the only Certified Instructor in Kembativz and MBC in the state of Arizona.
Steve manages the FACTION Combat system and is currently working to continually evolve the program. He is still continuing his training in numerous disciplines including MBC, Krav Maga, Kembativz, Muay Thai, and Brazillian Jiu Jitsu. Steve continues to be a student of understanding violent attacks, practical self-defense, and the mechanic/physiology of the human body to further his ability to teach effectively and knowledgeably.

Maiston Hattery
MMA & Kids Head Instructor
Maiston Hattery is a talented and well rounded fighter that has been training for more than 17 years. He is a 2nd degree black belt in Sport Karate, and a black belt in TKD & Kenpo. Maiston has trained in boxing for 17 years and has wrestled for 10 years. His experience extends past standup Combat Sports. He has his Blue Belt (4 stripes) in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has even achieved rank in Krav Maga. Maiston doesn’t just train, but competes both in stand-up arts and ground based competitions.
Maiston is more than just a skilled fighter; he has a real passion for teaching. You only need to spend one class with him to see how passionate he is about Combat Sports and how skilled he is at helping students become better. He always goes above and beyond to help people see great progression in their skills. He is not only a great instructor for adults, but is also phenomenal with kids. Having taught both kids and adults for more than 10 years, he understands how to communicate complicated skills and techniques so that children can understand. The kids that work with Maiston see great development in their abilities and fitness quickly. It even goes beyond just their physical capabilities, as Maiston has a keen skill in getting kids to have more focus, discipline and respect. Come try a class with Maiston and see for yourself.

Brenden Richardson
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Head Instructor
Brenden Richardson is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under Gustavo Dantas (GD Jiu Jitsu/Nova Uniao) and has been competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu since 1999. Brenden has won numerous Arizona State Brazilian Jiu Jitsu titles as well as placing on the National/International competition scene. In 2011, Brenden placed third at the IBJJF World Championships in the adult division as a purple belt. Brenden has also been an assistant wrestling coach at Sossaman Middle School as well as Basha’s Bear Club Wrestling. Brenden has worked as a Detention Officer for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office and has been serving in a law enforcement capacity since 2008.
Brenden is our Head Instructor for the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program at Faction, Sharkside Jiu-Jitsu. By training with him you will not only learn how to compete, if that is your goal, but you will also learn the combatives use of BJJ. Due to his experience in Law Enforcement, Brenden understands the importance of being able to utilize BJJ not just for competitions, but for self-defense purposes. He makes it a point to teach his students the street use of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu so they can effectively defend themselves against strikes and other realistic attacks. Don't be a one sided practitioner. Train with Brenden and you will be able to effectively utilize your BJJ skills on and off the mat!
Gabe Guerrero
Muay Thai Head Coach
Gabe Guerrero has been training and fighting in Muay Thai for the past 8 years. One of his biggest achievements in Muay Thai is when he won the USMTO A Class tournament last year. There he competed against some of the top amateurs in America. He also won a regional A class medal in the Southwest tournament, AZMTO.
Due to Gabe's firsthand experience both in training and competing, he brings this knowledge to training both beginners and experienced individuals alike. He prides himself on running an authentic Muay Thai class. Gabe also cross trains in MMA, kickboxing and grappling arts as well, so he can help you to effectively tie Muay Thai into your game. He is a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. Whatever your goals may be, he can challenge you and help you reach them!

Cece Vde
Women's Kickboxing Coach
Cece has been training in Muay Thai for over 11 years giving her an expertise in Kickboxing arts. Her knowledge and skills from Thai Boxing has made her an excellent and knowledgeable coach. In addition to her Kickboxing experience, she has been practicing Yoga for years. Yoga is something she has brought into her Women's Kickboxing classes as a useful tool to develop flexibility for improving kicks and other techniques.
Cece has spent years training in various movement related arts including Kyokushin Karate, Arnis, Krav Maga, Martial Blade Concepts, Gymnastics and even Classical Ballet. All of which have provided skillsets to make her a more well rounded and knowledgeable coach. She is an excellent Women's Kickboxing coach to help you meet your training and fitness goals!