Faction Staff
Apr 27, 20235 min
MMA Training vs Krav Maga Training: A Deep Dive
In today's article we are going to tackle the question many dedicated martial arts fans have on their minds. How would a Krav Maga expert...
1,176 views0 comments
Faction Staff
Apr 3, 20236 min
Women's Kickboxing for Self Defense - Arizona
In recent years, women's kickboxing has gained popularity as an effective form of self defense and fitness. The empowering nature of this...
206 views1 comment
Faction Staff
Jul 30, 20192 min
Women's Self Defense: Expectation vs Reality
I am often asked if we have Women’s Self-Defense classes. The answer is seminars occasionally and classes no. Here is why. Master...
571 views0 comments
Faction Staff
Jun 28, 20193 min
Combatives or Krav Maga for Self-Defense
What is the difference between Combatives and Krav Maga? Which is better for self-defense?
2,423 views0 comments
Faction Staff
May 31, 20192 min
Best Time to Start Training
When is the best time to start training? Short answer: NOW!
387 views0 comments
Faction Staff
Apr 19, 20196 min
Belts & Ranks in Martial Arts vs Self-Defense
Should there be belt ranks in a self-defense system? We dive in to answer that question.
521 views0 comments
Faction Staff
Feb 28, 20193 min
Self-Defense or Self-Offense
Should you be training for Self-Defense or Self-Offense? Both? What is the difference? These are common questions asked by people not...
892 views0 comments